Basic things to do before makeup.
3:36:00 PM
What do you need to do always before using makeup?
A lot of women think moisturization is not really important before applying makeup, but they are wrong. The truth is that our skin is in constantly need of water and moisture. So before applying any kind of makeup you have to make sure your skin is completely clean and hydrated.
But before we start talking the proper daily 4-step skincare routine, you will need to know what kind of skin do you have. How you care for your skin is utterly dependent on the type of skin you have. There are generally 5 basic types of skin:
- Oily
- Normal/Combination
- Dry
- Sensitive
- Aging or sun- damaged.
Let's find out what kind of skin type do you have!
The first step we are going to do to determine what kind of skin type we have is to take the "Skin test." Wash your face, pat it dry, then take a few pieces of rice paper and press on different spots on your face. If your skin is oily, the paper will stick, pick up oily spots and become translucent. If the paper doesn't stick or pick up any oily spots, your skin is dry. If it sticks in your T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) then you have combination (or normal) skin. About 70 percent of women have combination skin.
- Type 1: Oily Oily skin tends to be shiny with enlarged pores, and is prone to blackheads and blemishes. You might experience some tightness. If you have oily skin, chances are good you know full well that you fall into this category. People with oily skin usually have the following characteristics:
- Large visible pores
- Frequent acne (black heads and white heads)
- Visible shine, especially mid-day
- Frequent acne on other areas such as your back and chest
- Type 2: Combination/normal This skin type has medium pores, a smooth and even texture, good circulation, healthy color, may tend toward dryness on the cheeks while being oily in the t-zone.Combination skin could be considered the toughest skin type to conquer because you probably be dealing with 2 kinds of skin (the opposite ends of the skin care spectrum). The majority of people with combination skin have a T-zone that is oily, and cheeks that are dry. Many people deal with occasional breakouts and larger than normal pores, especially on the nose.
The main issue people face is what kind of skin care to use. Many people try products meant for oily skin because they think that because they breakout, they must have oily skin. This usually leads to dry flakey skin and lots of frustration. Combination skin requires gentle oil control in certain areas as well as moisture to ensure even healthy skin. - Type 3: Sensitive Sensitive skin tends to be thin, delicate with fine pores. It flushes easily, is prone to broken capillaries, is frequently allergic and can have rashes.
- Type 4: Dry Dry skin feels tight, especially after cleansing. You have a tendency towards fine wrinkles, flaking and red patches. In women of color, skin may appear ashy or dull from dead skin buildup. If you have this type of skin make sure you choose gentle products without alcohol in it because that will make your skin dry even more.
- Type 5: Aging or sun-damaged This skin also feels tight with visible wrinkles, slack skin tone, most of the time around the cheeks and jawline, with leathery texture and broken capillaries.
I firmly believe you don't have to spend large amounts of money for products, because what your skin basically needs is a gentle care, and even the products you found on the drugstore or discount stores have really nice ingredients in them. You just have to read the labels and be smart about what you buy.
So for a daily skin care routine you will need...
- Cleanse. - You have to wash your face day and night with a soap specially formulated for your skin type. People with oily skin do well with a gel based or "soapy" cleanser. This will help clean out pores and strip away excess oil. Look for a cleanser that says specifically for oily skin.
You don't need to wash your face more than those two times: at morning and night. because you don't want to dry out your face.
- Toner.- Sometimes washing our face is not enough to get rid of oils and dirt, A step that I personally believe in, but many times is forgotten is using a toner. Simply apply a toner onto a cotton ball and swipe over your face. One toner that I really love to use because is great for every skin type is plain rose water.
Weekly skin care needs
What you never should do...
Please never go to sleep without taking off your makeup. No matter how tired you are feeling, you need to take all your makeup off and go to sleep with a clean face. Your skin needs to breathe without any difficulty.

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