Maquillaje sexy para cualquier ocasion
11:40:00 AM

I have always had a passion for makeup and fashion even when I was a little girl.
One of the most beautiful memories I have is watching my mom getting ready for work, she used to apply beautiful shades of lipsticks, I also saw her combine gorgeous patterns of fabrics to create interesting outfits, I remember seeing her choosing the best perfumes for the different occasions and get into the "ritual of getting ready".
I loved watching my mother being in touch with her own femininity and love herself in her own skin, accentuate her best features and be ready to face the world.
I think makeup and fashion is a way to express who you are, how do you see yourself and what do you want to project into the world.
Fashion can be artistic yet therapeutic, because whenever you feel blue I bet a beautiful dress matching a gorgeous lipstick shade can lift your spirit and help you see that beautiful woman you are.
Precioso como siempre tus looks Lady!!
ReplyDeleteMirada femenina, elegante y muy serena. Ideal para esta época de reunión navideña.
Feliz Navidad y feliz entrada del 2012.
Besos. Selva
Muy bonito como siempre.. y sexy)
ReplyDeleteMe gusta como te queda)
Feliz Navidad)
Hola!mi nombre es ivanna y soy de argentina. encontre tu blog hace mucho tiempo y me encanto, tus trabajos son muy lindos!!!!soy maquilladora profesional y hace poco me hice un blog, me gustaria mucho que nos si nos sigueramos mutuamente :) asique vos decidis :)
ReplyDeletebueno... me despido, besos!!!!
super natural ala vez que maquilladisima :) yo quiero xD
ReplyDeleteI love your make-up! :)
Fantástico make up!
ReplyDeleteJohana eres bellisima
ReplyDeleteLadymakeup1 eres bellisima me encantan tus videos
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♥ Thanks for sharing what is on your mind with me!
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♥Gracias por compartirlos conmigo!