
Pink on Pink

7:37:00 AM

After a wonderful vacation I have come back with more love for my precious midi skirts. It's been a long time but I finally have found a style that define me and at the same time make me feel happy about it.
I love classic and elegant looks, and although it is very normal and "in trend" for women to show their skin all the time right now, I personally think being a little conservative doesn't hurt at all, on the contrary it can make you feel more feminine, sophisticated, confident and sexy, yes sexy too because being sexy is more than what you are wearing, it's how you carry yourself, it's in your walk, in the way you speak, it's in the colors you wear, it's in the hair. Sexy is in you and how you feel about yourself.

Después de unas bien merecidas y largas vacaciones, he regresado con más amor por mis faldas a la rodilla. Me ha tomado mucho tiempo definir mi look pero al final lo he conseguido y este estilo me hace sentir muy contenta y orgullosa de mi misma.
Amo los looks clásicos y elegantes, y a pesar de que es muy normal y está "a la moda" mostrar mucha piel hoy en día, me parece que ser un poco conservadora con nuestros looks no cae mal, por el contrario, puede hacernos ver mucho más femeninas, sofisticadas y sexys, si digo sexy también porque ser sexy va más allá de lo que usas, ser sexy es como te comportas, es tu caminar, la manera como hablas, los colores que utilizas, es tu cabello, etc. Ser sexy está en ti y en como te ves a ti misma.

I have always been very girly and that is why one of my favorite colors, since I can remember, is pink. Pink is a delicate color that means sweetness, romance, kindness and tenderness, is a positive color inspiring warm and comforting feelings, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, cotton candy(who doesn't like cotton candy?) and general sweetness. The color pink calm and reassures our emotional energies. Studies have showed that exposures to large amount of pink can have a calming effect on the nerves. Violent and aggressive prisoners have been successfully calm by placing them in a pink room for a specified amount of time.
Pink is the color of universal love for oneself and of others. No wonder, is one of my favorite colors. 
Siempre he sido una niña muy femenina, desde que tengo memoria, uno de mis colores favoritos siempre ha sido el rosado. El color rosado significa dulzura, romance, bondad y ternura, es un color positivo que inspira sentimientos cálidos y reconfortantes, está asociado con los chicles, las flores, el algodón de azúcar(a quién no le gusta el algodón de azúcar?) y dulzura en general.
El color rosa calma y da seguridad emocional a nuestras energías, Estudios han mostrado que  exposiciones a grandes cantidades de este color pueden tener un efecto calmante en los nervios. Prisioneros violentos y agresivos han sido satisfactoriamente calmados al ser expuestos en habitaciones rosadas por determinado tiempo.
El rosado es el color universal de amor por uno mismo y por los demás.

Get the look:

*Pinstripe shirt: Gap  old  similar here *Skirt: Romwe (available in black now) *Shoes: Aldo (on sale now!)*Bag: LV Speedy 30

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  1. you look so pretty! I can see why pink is your favorite, it looks amazing on you!


  2. Your post was so uplifting! My favorite color is pink too. :)

  3. I love this style of skirt, it looks so classic and elegant. I don't have any skirts like this, but they look so nice!

    Kez | acaciasdreams.com

  4. Pink is my fav color so I'm in love with your outfit...you look very bon ton and simply chic....Skirt is trendy and so beautiful....and the bag a must-have!!!!

  5. Me encanta tu colección de faldas midi, las tienes preciosas!
    Un besazo!

  6. ¡Hola de nuevo! Fíjate que el color rosa no es de mis favoritos... Pero la elección de camisa y falda por la rodilla es tan buena que da igual hasta el color, me parece que luces perfecta :)

    Un beso,
    Le Style et Moi

  7. Absolutely agree with your thoughts on being a little conservative and still feeling confident & sexy! Loved how you dressed pink on pink and managed to look classy over anything <3
    I myself tried a similar approach pairing skater skirt with floral top :)

  8. This is a very cute and classy look at the same time. I love it! I prefer to be more conservative myself, nothing against the sexiness it's just more comfortable for me. :) You look amazing!
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss

  9. Such an adorable skirt !
    I love the color.


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