Poison Ivy Makeup!
1:56:00 PM

*This is the tree that gave me those beautiful leaves for this makeup look.
I don't know the name of this tree, but here in my country we call it "veranera"
*If you want to create a look exactly like this, make sure to clean the leaves first, I used a little bit of alcohol on a cotton pad to clean the dust from the leaves, and after doing my makeup I applied them with regular eyelash glue.
That's it, so simple!!
*Este es el arbolito que me dio las hojas para hacer este look.
Aqui en mi pais lo llamamos árbol veranera, es hermoso, no?
*Si quieres crear este look idéntico al que te he presentado, te aconsejo limpiar las hojas del árbol con un algodoncito remojado en alcohol, para poder quitar el polvo que las hojas tengan y luego de aplicar tu maquillaje, pegalas con pegamento de pestañas postizas.
Y listo!
Que guapa!!
ReplyDeleteHello from Spain: fabulous photos. Great makeup. Keep in touch
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